Book Discussion on Islamic Thought and ASEAN Security

September 27, 2017, oleh: superadmin

The development of Islamic political thought and its relation to security in Southeast Asia is now the main discussion. Not only in a theoretical context. However, in terms of real practice in the field and policy formulation is very necessary. Given the problems that often occur in Southeast Asia is closely related to religious and tribal issues. Responding to the problem, Master of Science International Relations held a book review event on Friday (22/9). The event which took place in the Postgraduate Room of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta invited Prof.Dr.Munir Mulikhan, a great teacher of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
The book review that Dr. Surwandono and Ali Muhammad, Phd discuss how the development of Islamic politics and its relation to security in Southeast Asia. According to Ali Muhammad, PhD security involvement in Southeast Asia can not be separated from the participation of ASEAN. Organizations that are more than a few decades have a positive impact on the sustainability of peace in Southeast Asia. The author of the book entitled Southeast Asia Security explains the success of ASEAN in formulating the diplomacy of ASEAN ways. Through that diplomacy, conflict countries around the Southeast Asian region have entrusted their conflict resolution.
A slightly different explanation was given by Dr. Surwandono. According to this lecturer of International Relations, politics in Islam is not all things done to achieve power. But what about the power that can have benefits to the people (society). The head of the Master of Science degree program of International Relations gives one example of a country with regular religious conflict, namely Pakistan. Countries in the South Asia region experienced the fall of power and religious conflict with regular rhythm every decade. one of the authors of this book of Islamic Political Thought also explains what is contained in his book. One of them is the reason he chose to write down the opinion of the classical scholar Syafi’I and the servant with the connection in Islamic political thought. According to the two scholars are much to contribute thoughts related to Islamic politics and not difficult in terms of understanding and application. “In the political process of Islam, Power is not a means to abuse, but the responsibility is not only to man but also to God”, he explained.
Surgical This book closed with the motivation given by Prof.Dr. M. Munir Mulkhan. He is very happy with young lecturers who generate much thought through academic books. Professor of UIN is hoping that the academic community of Postgraduate Muhammadiyah University is always productive through the writing of works.